2022 Best Article Award for the article “Individual perceptions of climate anomalies and collective action: Evidence from an artefactual field experiment in Malaysian Borneo” by the World
Development Sustainability Journal Publisher: Elsevier, United Kingdom.
JCI Malaysia Sustainable Development Award 2021: for the project Strengthening Indigenous Resilience and exploring Indigenous perceptions of climate anomalies in Malaysian Borneo under the
category of SDG 13: Climate Change, 8 December 2021, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Gold Award for the project Oroo', the Secret Signs: Virtual Exhibition and Multi-sensory Interfaces in the iSaintex – International Sarawak Innovation Exposition and MESTR STEM Festival
Malaysia 2021, 4-5 December 2021, Sibu, Malaysia
Consolations award for the project Reflecting Distant Identities: Cultural Assimilation in Digital Interactive Museum in the iSaintex – International Sarawak Innovation Exposition and MESTR
STEM Festival Malaysia 2021, 4-5 December 2021, Sibu, Malaysia
Best Poster Award -2021 for the Pluriversal Design: A Virtual Decolonising Exhibition in the Communities & Technologies Conference 2021, 21-26 June 2021, Seatle, USA.
UNESCO TechCul 2021 Entrepreneur Prize for the Cultural Engagement in Digital Interactive Museum (CEDIM), UNESCO Bangkok
Bronze Medal iENA Nuremberg 2015 - International Trade Fair Ideas-Inventions-New Products for the project Digitalising and Preserving Oroo’, a Secret Signage Language of the Nomadic Penans in
the Rainforest, 31 October-3 November, Nuremberg, Germany
The IFIP Brian Shackel Award 2015 for the paper Penan’s Oroo Short Message Signs (PO-SMS): Co-design of a Digital Jungle Sign Language Application, 16 September 2015 Bamberg, Germany
The IFIP Interaction Design for International Development (IDID) Award 2015, for the paper Penan’s Oroo Short Message Signs (PO-SMS): Co-design of A Digital Jungle Sign Language Application,
16 September 2015 Bamberg, Germany
SIGCHI Best of CHI Honorable Mention Award: among the top 5% of all submission to CHI 2015: for the paper New Interaction Tools For Preserving an Old Language
Gold Medal in UNIMAS R&D Expo 2015 for the Project Digitalising and Preserving Oroo’, a Secret Signage Language of the Nomadic Penans in the Rainforest
Silver Medal in Malaysia International Technology Expo 2014 for the project Indigenous Knowledge Governance Framework, 20-22 February, Kuala Lumpur
Best paper presentation Award in IPID 8th International Annual Symposium, 7-10 December, Cape Town
Silver Medal Persidangan dan Eskpo Ciptaan Institusi Pengajian Tinggi Antarabangsa (PECIPTA 2013) for the project eToro: Indigenous Botanical Knowledge Management System of Penans, 7-9
November, 2013 Kuala Lumpur
Bronze Medal iENA Nuremberg 2013 - International Trade Fair Ideas-Inventions-New Products for the project eToro: Indigenous Botanical Knowledge Management System of Penans, 31 October-3
November, 2013 Nuremberg, Germany
Nomination for presentation under the category “eInclusion, eCommunity” for the project eToro: Indigenous Botanical Knowledge Management System of Penans for APICTA awards competition
(International), 24-27 November, 2013 Hong Kong
MERIT Award APICTA (National) 2013 under the category “eInclusion, eCommunity” for the project eToro: Indigenous Botanical Knowledge Management System of Penans, 7 October, Kuala Lumpur
Winner Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF) Asia Award 2013 under the category "Innovation on access provision" for the project eToro: Indigenous Botanical Knowledge Management System
of Penans, Bali, Indonesia
Global Community Choice’s Award in the Spark13 conference in Granada, Spain on May 29, 2013 for the project eBario Innovation Village
Best Telecentre Innovation Award in the Spark13 conference in Granada, Spain on May 29, 2013 for the project eBario Innovation Village
Gold Medal in UNIMAS R&D Expo 2013 for the project eToro: Formalising Indigenous Knowledge Governance Framework, Kota Samarahan, Malaysia
PhD project "Charting Indigenous Knowledge in Malaysia" is featured by Asia Research News 2013 (Page 38)
MERIT Award APICTA (National) 2012 under the category “eInclusion, eCommunity” for the project Ngerabit eLamai: Penans Employing ICT for Rural Socio-Economic Transformation, Kuala Lumpur,
Principal of the Year Award 2005-06 from Intel Education Teach to the Future Program, 2007 Pakistan