Ingá Telikit

A Virtual Reality Game for Learning Penan’s Hunting Techniques

Taman Pitah (the story teller), Long Lamai 

Inga’ Telikit is a virtual reality game co- designed with the Penan community of Long Lamai to preserve their traditional hunting techniques. The game is based on the mythological story of Aka and Gugak, two Penan legends who are inextricably connected with the Penan hunting skills and practices of nomadic life. The game was developed using a community-based co-design approach, involving five youth and two elder community members in the design and development process. The users of the game learn the Inga’ Telikit story and also play the Penan hunting game against a non-player character.


  • Zaman, T., Kreuger, B., Venden, M., Pitah, T. & Diana (2023). ). Ingá Telikit: A Virtual Reality game for learning Penan’s hunting techniques, INTERACT 2023, LNCS. 3.


  • Kreuger, B., & Zaman. (2023). Exploring indigenous knowledge through Virtual Reality: A co-design approach with the Penan community of Long Lamai: INTERACT 2023, LNCS.


Bram Kreuger, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU)